MapHub and your data

MapHub is committed to be compliant with the strict requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. We…

MapHub and your data

MapHub is committed to be compliant with the strict requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. We do not differentiate between European and global users and we treat all user data according to GDPR.

What data do we collect?

We collect as little data as possible for our operations.

For registered users the only required information is a username and email, both of which can be changed in the Profile Settings page. Specifying a display name, organization and website is optional.

We only store anonymized IP addresses in our database.

We do not collect your geo-location data.

We do not provide a newsletter, and in the future if we do provide it will be opt-in.

We use Google Analytics with anonymized IP addresses to help us understand how the website is being used. We do not pair analytics to MapHub user accounts.

Server logs and Sentry error reports are retained only for a limited time.

Who can access your data

We do not share your map or user data with any third party, only the administrator of the website can access your data.

Exporting your data

You can export all your map data in the native GeoJSON format, as well as in KML and GPX formats.

Deleting your account

You can delete your account on the Profile Settings page. Deleting your account deletes all your data from our database.

On-premises MapHub

If you or your business would like to have 100% control over your data as well as the reliability of the service, we might offer a pilot project where you can host a MapHub instance on your own infrastructure. If you are interested please write us an email at

You can read our full Privacy Policy here.

Happy to help

If you have any questions you can contact us at


cover photo by Tj Holowaychuk on Unsplash