Future plans for MapHub

When I started MapHub two years ago, I didn’t know how would people use it and what kind of features users were looking for.

Future plans for MapHub

When I started MapHub two years ago, I didn’t know how would people use it and what kind of features users were looking for.

During those two years I’ve received a lot of feedback by email and on the forum, and it really helped me understand what users are looking for.

I’m working on implementing them right now, and they will be implemented in MapHub stable version.

New features

Better item organising

  • grouping of items
  • reordering of items
  • hiding/showing both items and groups
  • filtering

Images, videos and custom markers

  • custom markers
  • simple image uploading
  • simple video embedding from YouTube and Vimeo

Collaborative editing

  • allowing multiple users to edit maps together

MapHub stable version

Once these new features have been implemented, MapHub will be out of beta version.

Premium plans

I strongly believe that there should be no advertisements on MapHub and user’s data should never be shared with 3rd parties.

The business model will be based on a freemium model. Most features will be available in the free plan, but some will require a paid plan. There will be plans for hobbyist projects and for businesses.

All the features of the beta version will be included in the free plan, as long as you are using MapHub basemaps and your map is public!

If you are a business user and would like to see specific features implemented, please email me.

Self-hosted MapHub

Many business users have asked me about the following issues:

  • If using MapHub how can we make sure that our data is not accessed by anyone?
  • How can we make sure that MapHub will stay running reliably?

While MapHub doesn’t share and will never share your data with any 3rd party, and I’m working hard on making sure it’s always running reliably, I can never guarantee you the same level of service as if you were hosting it on our own infrastructure.

If your data is critical for your business self-hosted MapHub might be the solution for you. It’ll allow you to host your very own MapHub, on your own server, even behind a firewall or even in an air-gapped environment!

If your business is interested in a pilot project, feel free to contact me by email.


Also, if you have any question or would like to see your feature implemented, just open a topic on the forum or email me.

You can follow MapHub updates on Twitter, Facebook or here on Medium.
